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Fire goose

There was a big brushfire yesterday across the road from the land where my house is being built. I spotted this poor goose in a little pond by the roadside as it burned on three sides of her. So far as I know, she survived OK.

Building a house without going nuts

After five house moves and a couple of busted romances, I finally decided it was time for me to get a place of my own. And so it was that I became that rarest of contemporary species: a Vermonter who is having a house built. There were plenty of reasons for me not to do … Continue reading

Republicans on the political extreme

As a rookie reporter in 1974, one of the first stories I covered was the Eastern Wilderness Act. To get some details on the new law, I called the office of Vermont Republican Sen. George Aiken. I was expecting to get a junior aide on the phone. Instead, the receptionist asked, “Would you like to … Continue reading

Weighing coal weighers and consolidation

No one wants to melt Vermont’s diverse scramble of towns, cities, school districts and other means of collective decisionmaking into one homogenous blob. We are enriched by our quirky diversity. But we could also do with a health dose of cooperation and even (dare we say it) some consolidation of government services and equipment. Continue reading